T.I. Says a Woman Can't Be President, Later Apologizes

But, for the record, he doesn't support Donald Trump's 'racist remarks.'

T.I. definitely put his foot in his mouth after revealing why he won't be voting for Hillary Clinton. (Spoiler alert: It's not because of her politics.)

In an interview with DJ Whoo Kid on Saturday, the rapper unleashed a string of sexist comments (prefaced with the statement, "Not to be sexist, but...") about why a woman can't serve as President of the United States.

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"Not to be sexist, but," T.I. began, "I can't vote for the leader of the free world to be a woman, just because -- every other position that exists, I think a woman could do well. But, the president? It's kinda like, I just know that women make rash decisions emotionally -- they make very permanent, cemented decisions -- and then later, it's kind of like it didn't happen, or they didn’t mean for it to happen. And I sure would hate to just set off a nuke. ... [Other leaders] will not be able to negotiate the right kinds of foreign policy; the world ain't ready yet. I think you might be able to get the Lochness Monster elected before you could [elect a woman]. It's not right, but I'm just saying."

The 35-year-old took to Twitter on Monday to publicly apologize for his statements.

"My comments about women running for president were unequivocally insensitive and wrong," he wrote. "I sincerely apologize to everyone I offended."

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For what it's worth, T.I. also weighed in on Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

"He is the best showman of them all and I do feel that, if he is sincerely concerned about the economy of America and the working public, he would be the best person to flip the money that we have," he said, before acknowledging that Trump's "racist remarks" and "off-color statements" make it "impossible to be completely supportive."

"I can't cast no vote for him," T.I. said.

So, who will get T.I.’s ringing endorsement? That mystery still remains.

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Meanwhile, Clinton has been spotted putting in face time with several Hollywood stars, including Lady Gaga, Lenny Kravitz, Bette Midler, Elton John, Harrison Ford, and she even snapped a selfie with Meryl Streep. See the pics in the gallery below.

The 67-year-old recently made a hilarious guest turn on Saturday Night Live, but first -- she spoke with ET about Amy Poehler's and Kate McKinnon's impressions of her. Whose does she prefer? See what she said in the video below.

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