T.I. Says He's Sorry Amid Hymen-Checking Controversy

T.I. Is So In the Wrong

Rapper T.I. recently appeared on Jada Pinkett Smith's Red Table Talk, which appears on Facebook Watch, to apologize after it was uncovered that he went with his daughter to her gynecologist appointments to make sure she was still a virgin.

Online Outrage

This was a real story that broke not that long ago.

T.I.'s disturbing activities were first revealed publicly on the "Ladies Like Us" podcast earlier this month.

The hosts of the show, Nazanin Mandi and Nadia Moham, wanted to know whether T.I. had had "the talk" with his daughter -- in other words, did he talk with her about having sex.

He did, sort of, revealing that he takes her to her gynecologist to have her hymen checked to make sure she's still a virgin.

The Wrong Talk

T.I. says the conversation with her daughter's doctor would go something like this:

"Just check the hymen, please, and give me back my results expeditiously," as if he's suddenly in a Sherlock Holmes novel.

And he says that the results of her doctor's appointment were exactly what he wanted to hear.

"I will say, as of her 18th birthday, her hymen is still intact."

T.I.'s Actions Are Abuse

When this news first surfaced, Twitter responded appropriately, and highlighted the fact that some people still don't totally understand how a woman's body works.

"A reminder on the necessity of sex educators: T.I. demanding proof of her virginity by forcing “hymen checks” is misogynistic garbage AND a reflection of exactly what so many folks think about sexual liberation + freedom," wrote @BlkGirlManifest on Nov. 6.

It's All Made Up

T.I. now says he just made a lot of that up because, you know, he's just joking.

On "Red Table Talk," T.I. says,

"I came to clear up any misconceptions that have been surrounding how we interact and parent and what is appropriate and inappropriate.

I think all of this surrounds a conversation that I was having in a very joking manner, when asked how do I deal with parenting in this day and age. And so I just began to, you know, from a place of truth, I began to embellish and exaggerate."

But he's already said that he has been in the exam room with her, so how does he expect us to believe him this time?

He Has No Right To Do This

It's just gross, and when the news first broke, people rightly said it was inappropriate and just downright wrong to check his daughter's virginity.

Given the fact that she's 18, and deserves her privacy even furthers the notion that he's far beyond his bounds. He shouldn't be at any gynecologist appointment unless he's there to drive her to the doctor's office.

It's doubtful the story is all cleared up now by this so-called apology.