Swoon: George Clooney Looks Forward to Lunch Just as Much as You Do


We now present reason #4626231 why George Clooney is our spirit animal.

In a roundtable interview with Hollywood’s top directors — including Steven Spielberg, Joss Wheedon, Ang Lee and David Fincher — Clooney said that the most common phrase he says on set is, “What time is lunch?”

We feel you, man. We are always thinking about lunch, no matter the hour.

Another detail revealed about Clooney in the interview is that he drinks three cups of coffee a day. Sounds reasonable. What isn’t reasonable is that Spielberg has never drank coffee in his life. In. His. Life!

RELATED: See the First Photo of George Clooney in A Very Murray Christmas

“I never had a cup of coffee in my life, but I have at least a dozen cups of mint tea a day,” Spielberg said. (How is that even possible?)

Wheedon is pro-tea, as well.

“Only tea, ’til Age Of Ultron, where I got hooked [on coffee]. Even then, one or two. With tea in-between. Tea I can swill all day.”

In addition to covering important issues like coffee consumption and lunch needs, the interview delves into the directorial style of each interviewee.

RELATED: The 24 Best Coffee Shops in America

When asked if he would ever storm off set, Clooney once again proved his level-headedness … and further cemented our crush on him.

“No. The reason is because eventually you have to walk back on, and that would be too humiliating. ”

—Maria Yagoda, @mariayagoda