Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X premiere: The first eliminated player

Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X premiere: The first eliminated player

[SPOILER ALERT; Read on only if you’ve already watched Wednesday’s season premiere of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X.]

A cyclone ripped through Fiji on day two of filming for Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X, and while the entire cast was evacuated to safety overnight to wait out the storm, for one player the game was over one day later when she was voted off the island.

Rachel Ako was eliminated after the Gen X tribe lost the first immunity challenge. The tribe’s defeat may have been the result of the team taking two shortcuts in the competition, which added 20 extra pieces onto their puzzle — a puzzle Rachel was never able to solve after promoting herself as an expert. Whoops!

She was targeted over David, who almost sealed his own fate after acting paranoid and accusing others of searching out the immunity idol only to then get caught hunting for it himself.

Over on the Millennials side, all the bros and hotties appeared to form one alliance, while Hannah and Mari began plotting for a “freaks and geeks” team to take out “Kappa Kappa Survivor.”

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But the big news was the big storm. Both tribes suffered a brutal first night out in the rain and were then given tarps on day two as a mercy gesture by the producers. But they weren’t enough. When the storm was upgraded to a cyclone, Jeff Probst visited both camps and told them that for the first time in Survivor history, they were being evacuated for their own safety. They then returned to the beach a day later to rebuild their shelters — and alliances.

We’ll have a full recap later as well as interviews with Jeff Probst and the eliminated Rachel, but you can chime in right now with your thoughts. What did you think of the premiere? Who are you loving and loathing? And did Gen X make the right choice in getting rid of Rachel? Hit the message boards to weigh in and check out a video below of the full opening credits sequence you didn’t see on TV. Plus, for more Survivor scoop, follow me on Twitter @DaltonRoss