“Survivor 45” exclusive deleted scene shows Drew being super grumpy

“Survivor 45” exclusive deleted scene shows Drew being super grumpy

Jake and Julie are ever so amused.

For someone who was on the top for pretty much his entire run on Survivor 45, Drew Basile sure did have a lot to complain about. Don’t believe me? Then check out a hilarious exclusive deleted scene from this week’s episode.

Yes, you get Drew being sad about the reward feast flyover. Yes, you get Drew doing his best Owen Knight impersonation and angrily flinging the top of the tribe pot for cooking into the sand. But you also get more. So much more. Including a montage of exasperated noises coming from everyone’s favorite analogy-spewing contestant.

<p> CBS</p> Drew Basile in 'Survivor 45' deleted scene


Drew Basile in 'Survivor 45' deleted scene

“He's a little stuck in his ways,” observes Jake O’Kane in the clip. “He has a real problem with authority. He doesn't like being told what to do.”

As we see Drew admit to being moody, and talk about being so low energy, and then insist that his foot is infected, Jake explains that “He's a little bit of a pessimist.” Apparently, even when you are sitting pretty on Survivor.

“Sometimes I don't think how good Drew has it in this game,” Jake continues in a sentence that doesn’t make a lot of sense, yet we’ll allow it. “He's been on top basically since the merge and he has a lot of things to complain about. I don't know why. He's on top. He's on Survivor. But you know what? If someone's going to find a way to complain about something, it's going to be Drew.”

Julie Alley chimes in as well: “He's such a fun curmudgeon. He can get cantankerous, curmudgeonly, and if he didn't get food, it's the worst hangry! I mean, I almost worry that he could throw his game just on lack of nutrition, and I'm like, ‘You knew what this game was!”

Watching the scene play out, one can only imagine how Drew reacted to being brutally blindsided this week and how Austin Li Coon’s glum chum handled his move over to Ponderosa. Perhaps we will get a peek into peak Drew curmudgeonous when he addresses the final three from his spot on the jury. Until then, enjoy the scene above and read our full episode recap including updated season rankings.

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