Surprising 'Big Brother' House Flip

On Wednesday’s Big Brother, Paul fought to remain in the house after being nominated for eviction. He appealed to the co-heads of household, Natalie and Michelle, who had nominated him because they had assumed he lied to them — but it turns out Nicole had fed them false info. Natalie had a change of heart, saying, “I feel really bad that I was so quick to put Paul and Victor on the the block, and especially that I might have made my decision based on manipulation.”

To stay in the house, Paul stayed up all night studying the riddles given to them for the Power of Veto competition. Corey and Nicole decided to skip studying and cuddle peacefully in their bed. Not surprisingly, Paul won the Power of Veto and pulled himself off the block.

Michelle then nominated Corey, Nicole’s “showmance,” as a replacement for Paul as payback for Nicole’s deceitful ways.

Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.

Watch a Big Brother’s surprising nomination twist.

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