The Suprising Actor Who Could Return in 'Joker 2'

Cast of 'Joker'
Cast of 'Joker'

'Joker' has been met with immense acclaim from critics and audiences alike. In fact, 'Joker' has become the first R-rated movie to hit the $1 billion mark. With that level of success, there's little doubt that we'll be getting a 'Joker' sequel sometime in the future. There's been no formal sequel announcement yet, but with the movie bringing in this much money, it's quite likely that we might be getting a continuation of the Joker's story much sooner than we think.


Joker Breaks Box Office Record

Joaquin Phoenix Is Interested in A Sequel

Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix admitted to initially having some reservations about taking on the role of the Joker.

"I remember, like eight years ago, I was told, ‘Movies are changing. They’re not making the movies that you want to make, so you’ve got to do one of these, [comic book movies]’ ” Phoenix said

“It makes sense. It probably is a good strategy. But for me, I guess the fear was that you’d get locked into doing something repeatedly that you don’t really care about, that doesn’t motivate you or excite you.”

But Phoenix's reservations didn't last long once he got into character.

“Most movies feel so rigid; every moment is designed,” Phoenix continued. “This felt like it was untethered and without a blueprint. In the second or third week of shooting, was like, ‘Todd [Phillips], can you start working on a sequel? There’s way too much to explore,’ It was kind of in jest — but not really.”

There Might Be A Suprising Return in A Joker Sequel

Leigh Gill
Leigh Gill

While we would obviously have Joaquin Phoenix in a sequel, there's a reasonably strong possibility we might see, Arthur Fleck's co-worker, Gary, played by Leigh Gill. Gary wasa relatively minor character in 'Joker.' He was a little person and fellow clown at the agency where Arthur worked. The last we saw of Gary, he was in shock after seeing Arthur murder one of their co-workers in front of him. Gary, however, was spared because Arthur appreciated his kindness towards him.

The Role Gary Would Play

Gaggy from DC Comics
Gaggy from DC Comics

Almost everyone knows of Harley Quinn, the Joker's usual sidekick, who is also his love interest. However, long before Harley Quinn was ever a Batman character, the Joker had another sidekick who is much lesser-known, a little person named Gaggy.

We know that Gary is still alive, and horrified by Arthur's actions, but if we get a sequel, then it's entirely possible that Gary could play a bigger role. We might see Gary fall into his own depths of madness, and become part of the Joker's team.

There's No Sequel Yet, But Phoenix Hopes It's Coming

Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix

There have been plenty of rumors about a pending 'Joker' sequel, but nothing has been formally confirmed and there is currently nothing in the works with Warner Brothers. But Phoenix is still ready to go as soon as there's a green light.

"I talked to Todd [Phillips] a lot about what else we might be able to do, in general, just to work together, but also specifically, if there’s something else we can do with Joker that might be interesting,” Phoenix said in a recent interview on Popcorn with Peter Travers.