Is Superman Or Batman's Life Harder? New Comic Explores An Age Old DC Fan Debate That's Important For Movie Fans Too

 Superman from My Adventures with Superman and DC Comics artwork of Batman.
Superman from My Adventures with Superman and DC Comics artwork of Batman.

For generations, comic fans have engaged in spirited debates over who reigns supreme between DC Comics' titans, Superman and Batman. It's a classic showdown of cosmic might versus earthly riches. Yet, beyond the question of who would emerge victorious in a clash lies a more nuanced inquiry: Whose life presents the greater challenge? A fresh comic story dives deep into this enduring discussion, revealing layers that are just as significant for those eagerly anticipating the slate of upcoming DC movies as they are for comic book aficionados.

A recent storyline, as reported by ScreenRant, in Batman / Superman: World’s Finest #14, crafted by Mark Waid and Dan Mora, escalates this debate by placing Bruce Wayne in a particularly vulnerable position. The issue picks up where its predecessor left off, with Bruce entangled in a scandal over the alleged murder of Simon Stagg, a fellow magnate. Complicating matters, Clark Kent publishes an article that, unintentionally or not, appears to support the accusations against the Dark Knight’s alias.

This tension between Clark and Bruce is further explored when Superman defends his actions by pointing out the professional obligations of a journalist. Despite Bruce's irritation and his belief that Clark could have avoided publishing the contentious article, Supes highlights the ethical standards that bind him and his colleague, Jim. Clark's stance underscores a fundamental difference in their worlds:

That's because you’re Batman. Jim and I, on the other hand, are reporters. That means there are rules we have to follow.

The last son of Krypton/Kansas boy lands the metaphorical final punch when he hits the billionaire with “Try having a job sometime." Ouch, Clark, ouch. In this memorable exchange, it's clear that Superman might be faster than a speeding bullet, but Mr. Kent isn't skipping the line at the Daily Planet's coffee machine anytime soon. That's right, despite his otherworldly abilities, the Big Blue Boy Scout’s day job as a reporter keeps him tethered to the all-too-human world of deadlines and editorial standards. Meanwhile, Batman, lounging in the lap of luxury with his billionaire badge, plays by a whole different set of rules.

For movie fans, this comic storyline introduces a novel viewpoint on characters that have graced the big screen time and again. Although James Gunn, co-CEO of DC Studios, has unveiled an ambitious 8-10-year blueprint for the DC Universe's first chapter, dubbed "Gods and Monsters," the specifics of how the Caped Crusader and Superman might interact remain a mystery. Yet, should their paths intertwine, this comic offers an intriguing angle that could enrich the narrative of upcoming superhero movies from DC.

There's much to consider when it comes to the respective challenges that both heroes face in their personal and professional lives. Hopefully, the complexities of their positions are indeed capture with as much nuance on the big screen as they are in the pages of the comics.

While we eagerly anticipate the launch of James Gunn's cinematic universe with the forthcoming Superman film, those curious about the deeper, existential questions within the comic realm will find their current solace in print. Batman / Superman: World's Finest #14 is available now from DC Comics. If you want to see two of the world's greatest superheroes go toe to toe on the screen, Zach Snyder’s now-defunct DCEU entry, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, or any of the DC movies in order, are available to anyone with a Max subscription.