Supergirl goes after POTUS in premiere

'Supergirl' goes after POTUS in premiere

The Girl of Steel has never been afraid to take a stand for what she believes in — and nor has Supergirl.

The third season premiere of The CW super series took a thinly veiled shot at President Donald Trump via Calista Flockhart’s media magnate Cat Grant, who was revealed to be the new press secretary for Earth-38’s President Marsdin (Lynda Carter).

The moment happens during a news briefing in which Cat is asked whether President Marsdin believes climate change is real. Here’s her response in full:

“Yes, yes, Carl, as a matter of fact, she does. She also believes that two plus two equals four and that the Earth is round, because the president is not a moron. Any third grader knows that global warming is the biggest threat of our time, and I’m happy to report that the intellectual capacity of our president is not inferior to that of an eight year old. Next question.”

It’s certainly not the first time the show has tackled politics. Last season addressed topics like immigration and diversity with the very pointed alien amnesty act. And the show has also never shied away from commenting on real-life figures (See: The pilot episode’s Bill O’Reilly joke).

Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW. Read our postmortem about Lena Luthor’s big premiere power play here.