‘Suits’: Gabriel Macht talks Harvey’s ‘combative’ reunion with his mother

‘Suits’: Gabriel Macht talks Harvey’s ‘combative’ reunion with his mother

After numerous Suits seasons of therapy sessions and flashbacks, it’s finally time for Harvey to confront one his demons: his strained relationship with his mother.

In Wednesday’s episode, Harvey, follows Donna’s (Sarah Rafferty) advice and travels to Boston to see his mother Lily (Brynn Thayer) and hopefully forgive her for being unfaithful to his father. It’s a storyline Gabriel Macht has been looking forward to for some time.

“I was very excited to read this episode,” Macht tells EW. “I find that whenever I can be challenged dramatically as far as going into the history of Harvey’s relationship with his family or what makes him tick, that’s always extremely alluring as an actor.”

Macht was especially pleased with Thayer’s casting as his mother. “ everything I wanted Harvey’s mother to be,” he says. “Someone who is grounded, had an edge to her, but also very sensitive and had this relationship with this guy where they are both responsible for certain things and the element of their displeasure with each other.”

It’s been seven years since Harvey last saw or spoke to his mother, which means their reunion probably won’t go all that smoothly. “When they sit down for their first dinner, it is combative,” says Macht, adding that Harvey struggles to “confront her honesty and vulnerability.”

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However, this isn’t the only relationship Harvey has to mend in the hour. While in Boston, Harvey is also reunited with his brother Marcus (Billy Miller), whom he doesn’t visit because of his lingering anger issues with his mother.

“ been failing at that relationship with his brother,” says Macht. “We’re going to learn some things from Marcus that actually shows that Harvey has not shown up for his family. What’s great about this episode is that we see Harvey grown up and taking responsibility.”

Suits airs Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET on USA Network.