‘Suicide Squad’ Star Had Quickest, Least Romantic Wedding Ever

On the Late Late Show Monday, James Corden asked Suicide Squad star Joel Kinnaman about his recent marriage to model and tattoo artist Cleo Wattenstrom. More specifically, Corden asked if it was a romantic occasion. If going to a place called Same Day Marriage in Los Angeles sounds romantic, then yes, it was a romantic occasion.

Kinnaman described his wedding day, doing his best Russian accent when appropriate, “This little Russian lady sitting inside there and she was, like, ‘You want to get married? $435. Quick. Quick.’ ”

He and his soon-to-be wife waited in the chapel area until the woman who would marry them showed up. Kinnaman described her as a “Dracula-looking creature” with no eyebrows, but instead had large upside-down Vs over her eyes. The woman with no eyebrows also performed an incredibly quick wedding that may have been lacking in romanticism.

Kinnaman described the very quick exchange. “ ‘Marriage. Rest of your life. You say yes?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘OK good. You.’ And she turns to Cleo. ‘Marriage. Rest of your life. Say yes.’ Cleo is, like, yes. ‘Marriage!’ ”

But the marriage wasn’t the only seemingly spontaneous thing that Kinnaman has done lately. Like many of his Suicide Squad co-stars, Kinnaman got a “SKWAD” tattoo on set. Unlike most of his co-stars, he let Will Smith do the tattooing, ending up with a crooked tattoo on the inside of his arm.

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