Stop asking Idris Elba if he’ll be James Bond

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Idris Elba had to answer for the presumably thousandth time, that no, he probably won’t be playing James Bond. “I think not,” the actor and your imaginary boyfriend responded, before reminding the interviewer that he’s not really the one that makes that decision. Idris Elba has (unfortunately) not been offered the role of James Bond. Asking him if he’s going to be James Bond will not provide you any new information with regards to that matter.

As an incredibly dapper British actor, Elba has for years been considered a possible successor to Daniel Craig’s rogue MI6 agent, a possibility that gained massive media attention and fan support after the writer of James Bond franchise novels called him “too street” for the role. But he’s been tired of talking about since 2015, when he shut down a reporter from the Telegraph:

“Can we talk about the media obsession with you playing James Bond?” I ask him. “Can we not?” he says forcefully.

Why not? “Because it feels like I’m campaigning, and I’m not. At first it was harmless — oh, I know, wouldn’t it be great? — and now it’s started off racial debates. I’m probably the most famous Bond actor in the world, and I’ve not even played the role. Enough is enough. I can’t talk about it any more.”

In any event, Craig confirmed last month that he’s returning for the next Bond movie. So, please, let Idris Elba live.