Steven Soderbergh Wants You to Watch 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' Minus the Sound and Color


When Steven Soderbergh launched his website Extension 765 last May, his self-proclaimed “one-of-a-kind marketplace” looked mostly like an e-shopping venture for film nerds. But the most intriguing section of the site is his Salon des Refusés; described as “an occasion drop of creative detritus from the closet/hard drive of the artist soon to be formerly known as Steven Soderbergh,” the section features random and poetic waxings from the filmmaker on a range of cinematic subjects.

However, the Salon could also be turning into a Steven Soderbergh Film School. This month, the Sex, Lies, and Videotape director has got a fun (again, for film nerds) assignment for aspiring/budding moviemakers. In the interest of illuminating how masters of the craft “stage” their films, Soderbergh has stripped both the sound and color out of the entirety of Steven Spielberg’s Raiders of the Lost Ark, looping only a (weirdly techno-fied) score over the footage.

As Soderbergh prefaces the blog and video (which is not embeddable, but you can click over to view… you’re going to want to read his explanation on it anyway), “This posting is for educational purposes only.” So get to learning.