The Late Steve Jobs' Palo Alto Home Burglarized

More than $60,000 worth of personal items and computers were stolen from the late Steve Jobs' 2101 Waverley Street home in Palo Alto last month. What's more, this act of larceny was reportedly totally random. The burglar apparently had no idea he was stealing from the home of Steve Jobs.

Details about the July 17th incident are scarce. Apparently, the home is currently undergoing renovations and it's unclear if Jobs' family is living there during the construction. A temporary chain link fence currently surrounds the house, which could have made the house look like an easy target.

"The best we can tell is it was totally random," said Tom Flattery, Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney.

The Mercury News reports that authorities arrested Kariem McFarlin, 35, of Alameda in connection with the crime. He faces a maximum sentence of seven years and eight months, which also includes a bonus year for excessive taking of property. But at least he got 15 minutes of fame! That's worth something.

[photo via Forbes]

[googlemaps waverley street palo alto&hnear=2101 Waverley St, Palo Alto, California 94301&t=w&ie=UTF8&z=14&ll=37.434883,-122.140425&output=embed&w=425&h=350]