Steve Harvey can’t even with Rhys Darby on ‘Celebrity Family Feud’: ‘What the Hell's going on?’

Rhys Darby was on Celebrity Family Feud, Sunday. While his show, Our Flag Means Death, is wildly successful with viewers, his answers on the Feud started out bumpy.

Steve Harvey asked, “‘Passed away’ is a nice way of saying someone died, name a not so nice way.”

After a moment of thought, Darby replied, “I'd like to say carked it.”

Darby is from New Zealand, where carked it is a more common phrase. Perhaps Harvey has not visited the island country, because he seemed completely baffled by the word.

“What the hell's going on? I need subtitles for these guys sometimes, too,” Harvey said. “This game's going to hell right here.”

Unfortunately for Rhys, ‘carked it’ was not on the board. Several viewers were surprised that Steve was unfamiliar with the phrase. One person tweeted, “This is Aussie/Kiwiphobic, carked it was my first thought too, it absolutely should be on the board.”

Despite the wrong answer, Rhys’s team rebounded and won $25,000 for Algalita Marine Research and Education.

Video Transcript

STEVE HARVEY: Passed away is a nice way of saying someone died. Name a not-so-nice way.

RHYS DARBY: I'd like to say, carked it.

KYLIE MAR: Reese Darby was on "Celebrity Family Feud" Sunday. And while his show "Our Flag Means Death" is wildly successful, his answers were a little confusing.

RHYS DARBY: You know, as in, what happened to that guy? Oh, he's cocked it.

STEVE HARVEY: He's carked it?

RHYS DARBY: He's carked it.

STEVE HARVEY: Wait a minute.

RHYS DARBY: It's short for carcass.

- It's got an R in it.

KYLIE MAR: Rhys is from New Zealand, where carked it is a more common phrase. But apparently, Steve Harvey has not visited the island country.

STEVE HARVEY: What the hell's going on?

- Yeah.

STEVE HARVEY: Come on, you're the closest thing. What is he talking about?

- Carked it, he's trying to say. Like a carked--

RHYS DARBY: Turned into a carcass.

- A carcass. He's become a carcass.

RHYS DARBY: Oh, he's carked.

STEVE HARVEY: This game's going to hell right here.

- Unfortunately, for Rhys, "carked it" was not on the board. And several viewers were surprised that Steve was unfamiliar with the phrase. One person tweeted, "This is Aussie/kiwiphobic. Carked it was my first thought too. It absolutely should be on the board.

But despite the wrong answer, Rhys's team rebounded and won a bunch of money for a good cause.

RHYS DARBY: $25,000 for Algalita Marine Research and Education.