Steve Harvey publicly thanked his penis on ‘Family Feud’

The Nothelfer family had one thing on their mind when they gave Steve Harvey an answer on Family Feud. When prompted by the host, “Something on an elephant’s body has you’re glad you don’t have,” contestant Marty responded, “Penis.”

Steve Harvey was so confused by the answer that he had to reread the question on his cue card. Then Harvey restated the question for the contestant and added, “Your answer was ‘penis.’ I don’t know why you would be happy not to have one. When the joy that it has given me throughout the years — it has meant more to me than anything I have. I have cared for it, protected it, and have loved it its entire life.”

Not surprisingly, the answer was not on the board.

Watch: Was Steve Harvey offended by this Family Feud answer on ‘This Week in Game Shows’?

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