Steve Carell thinks his kids are funnier than him

Steve Carell and his wife Nancy Walls aren’t the only comedians in the family. According to the actor, his four-year-old son John has a sense of humor as well.

Our son, John, really doesn’t want to eat vegetables. He just hates them. So my wife was begging him, "Please, Johnny, you have to eat some vegetables. You have to." Finally he broke down and said, "OK, fine."

So my wife said, "All right, what are you going to eat?" And he said, "Carrots." So my wife asked, "And when are you going to eat them?" He just looked at her and calmly said, "Next Tuesday at 10:30." It was so great, because he completely set up that line! He knew it was funny, too. He knew it.

Although Steve and Nancy have made a living out of being funny, the 45-year-old dad thinks that daughter Elisabeth, 7, and son John are much more comical than their parents.

I’d bet my wife and I think our kids are much funnier than they think we are.

Continue reading to find out what the family does for fun and what Steve’s plans are for Father’s Day.

What does your family do for fun?

On Saturday night, we’ll turn on music and then each of us will do a little dance routine. Right now, my wife Nancy’s is the bring-down-the-house-performance — it involves her shaking her booty. The second-funniest routine is John attempting to shake his booty in the same way.

What are your plans for Father’s Day?

We have the same ritual for Father’s Day and Mother’s Day: Whoever’s day it is gets to sleep in — that means until about 7:15 — and then breakfast in bed is delivered by the young people. Breakfast is a bagel, and some bacon, and then the newspaper. After that, Father’s Day is officially over — I don’t get any special dispensation for the rest of the day.

Source: Good Housekeeping, June 2008 issue; Photo by Ramey.