Steve Bannon booted from SiriusXM after Breitbart ouster

Steve Bannon booted from SiriusXM after Breitbart ouster

Steve Bannon is out at SiriusXM, the satellite radio company announced Tuesday, hours after it was revealed Bannon had been booted from Breitbart News.

“Breitbart News has decided to end its relationship with Stephen K. Bannon, therefore he will no longer host on SiriusXM since our programming agreement is with Breitbart News,” Sirius XM representatives announced in a statement.

Bannon was President Donald Trump’s White House chief strategist as recently as August 2017, and before that chaired Trump’s campaign through the last few months of his race against Hillary Clinton. After he left the administration, Bannon returned to his post leading the right-wing website Breitbart, where he continued to oversee positive coverage of Trump. But now, in the wake of explosive quotes about Trump’s family included in journalist Michael Wolff’s new book Fire and Fury, Bannon is being rejected by his former allies and supporters.

The news comes just one month after actor Seth Rogen canceled interviews with Sirius XM in protest of Bannon returning to a regular radio show on the service. This cutting of ties is only the latest in Bannon’s fall from conservative grace; he was previously called out by billionaire Republican donor Rebekah Mercer and denigrated as “sloppy Steve Bannon” in a tweet from Trump.