Stephen Colbert’s fiery retort to Brett Kavanaugh’s condemnation of hearings

On The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Colbert took issue with Brett Kavanaugh’s attitude toward the Senate Judiciary hearings concerning the Supreme Court nominee’s alleged sexual assault of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford when they were in high school. Unlike in his recent interview with Fox News, in which he was calm and collected the entire time, Kavanaugh came out swinging, blaming Democrats for creating what he called a “calculated political hit.” Speaking to Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, Kavanaugh said, “You sowed the wind for decades to come. I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwind.” But Colbert saw things differently. He believes the only people Kavanaugh has to blame are the ones who support him most. “The wind was sown when Donald Trump had 19 credible allegations of sexual assault against him, bragged about sexual assault on tape,” Colbert said, “and your Republican buddies up on that committee said, ‘Yeah, but we want our guy on the Supreme Court.’ And that’s you, Brett.” Though there are multiple sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh, the hearing’s main focus was on those brought by Dr. Ford, and throughout, Kavanaugh seemed offended that he even had to be there. This did not sit well with Colbert. “That doesn’t mean you’re guilty,” said a visibly angry Colbert, “but please, save your indignation that finally someone is taking one woman's accusation of sexual assault seriously.”