'Steel Magnolias' Remake Gets A Trailer

Steel Magnolias is one of my all-time favorite movies -- and aside from the fact that the stars have considerably aged since the movie came out in 1989, there isn't an outdated element about it that calls for a remake.

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But it's quickly revealed in the just-released trailer for Lifetime's Steel update that Robert Harling's original script was missing one thing: a Beyonce reference. Otherwise, the dialogue has gone almost untouched.

"Blush and bashful" are present, as is, "If you don't have anything nice to say, sit next to me." And hearing those iconic lines from the mouths of other actresses is odd, despite the women in question being of the highest caliber -- Alfre Woodard and Phylicia Rashada can do no wrong in my book!

I'm still not sold on Queen Latifah as M'Lynn (especially after hearing a snippet from her decidedly less intense "I wanna know whyyyyyyyyyyy" speech). But give the trailer a glimpse and decide for yourself.

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