'Star Wars' Fans Think This Line From 'A New Hope' Is Proof Kylo Ren Will Turn Good

Photo credit: Lucasfilm
Photo credit: Lucasfilm

From Esquire

The "Actually, Kylo Ren Is Good" theory has been bouncing around since The Force Awakens was released in 2015, but it's really getting some renewed traction this summer.

Last week, a pretty interesting Reddit post discussed how it could be likely that Kylo Ren was acting as a double agent to infiltrate the First Order and kill the Emperor when he killed his father, Han Solo. It could simply be wishful thinking for anyone still shipping Kylo and Rey. But, considering these new Star Wars movies are mostly remixes of the original ingredients, it's not wrong to expect Episode IX to retread the old Skywalker redemption narrative with Kylo Ren. As one Reddit fan writes:

I watched TFA last night and an exchange between Han and Leia reminded me of something. Han says something close to “its too late for him, he has too much of his grandfather in him.” This is close to the conversation between Owen and Beru when they say “you can’t keep him here forever, he has too much of his father in him.” Owen responds with “I know, that’s what I’m afraid of.”

So obviously Luke never fully gave into the dark side and managed to redeem his father. Even after his struggle in the Last Jedi, it is clear that the Skywalker bloodline course corrects back to the light no matter how strong the pull of the dark is. Since the whole saga is about balance and finding peace in conflict, I think it’s fitting that this would apply to Ben as well. We’ve heard over and over about how IX will end all three trilogies, so why wouldn’t this theme be carried forward as well?

Most of the “leaks” (I’m not sure how much I buy them) indicate that Ben will be redeemed and fight off the larger threat (possibly Palpatine, affirming him as the main antagonist of the Skywalker saga and the overall onstage that the bloodline most overcome), so this dialogue lines up what we’ve heard so far.

The scene in question comes early in A New Hope, when Aunt Beru says to Uncle Owen, "Luke's just not a farmer, Owen, he has too much of his father in him." To which Owen responds, "That's what I'm afraid of."

Of course, Owen is referring to his knowledge that Luke's father became the evil leader of the Empire, which was unknown to viewers at this point.

This balance between light and dark in the Skywalker blood has been a main conflict throughout the entirety of the Star Wars saga. And whether it's Anakin, Luke, or Ben, good always (seemingly) wins out in the end. As another user pointed out:

Yes, it is mentioned that he has "too much Vader in him" in TFA and in TLJ he is said to have the "Mighty Skywalker Blood". He is also told in TLJ that he has the heart of Han Solo - which means a heart of gold. I'm very confident that he will get a redemption! :)

So, there may yet be hope for Kylo Ren to return to the light side in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

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