This New 'Star Wars' Arcade Mini-Cabinet Is Worth All of Your Galactic Credits

Photo credit: Courtesy
Photo credit: Courtesy

From Esquire

Arcade1Up is releasing a new Star Wars version of its famed miniature arcade cabinet, loaded with throwback titles based on A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. Which is awesome if you have 0.0025 galactic credits, or roughly 500 bucks, lying around.

This cabinet model is roughly three-fourths the size of a standard arcade cabinet—it's about four feet tall—but it comes with a Star Wars-themed riser that gives it an extra foot, making it a good height for both Jedi and Padawans. The old-school ode to quarter-eaters features a light-up marquee, built-in speakers, a 17-inch color display, and extremely on-theme panel designs and controls. It is being sold exclusively at GameStop for a cool $499.99, and is up for pre-order right now; it will be shipped this November.

Along with the release of this luxe Star Wars arcade cabinet, Arcade1Up has a slightly more affordable, limited-edition Marvel arcade cabinet available for pre-order on its site, which includes games like The Punisher, Marvel Super Heroes, and X-men: Children of the Atom. And this fall, it will start selling its first four-player cabinet, and my personal favorite: a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles machine, featuring the 1989 TMNT arcade game and the stellar Turtles in Time.

These cabinets will join the already-incredible roster from Arcade1Up, which includes arcade cabinets for Galaga, Pac-Man, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and more. Later this year, Arcade1Up is also debuting cocktail table cabinets—one of them with a new split-screen, head-to-head Street Fighter game—that you didn’t know you needed until now.

While I’ll have to refinance my Death Star to afford any of this good throwback action, nostalgia is in the air. These bad boys are going to sell like hot cakes.

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