Stacey Abrams Wants Georgia Gov. Race Recount; Doesn’t Quite Make History, Yet

A glass ceiling nearly was broken Tuesday night as America would have had its first African-American woman governor if Stacey Abrams had won elected in the great state of Georgia — and, in a race still too close to call, that still might happen.

On the last day of a hotly contested race and a day of poll problems in the Peach State, the Oprah-supported Abrams refused to concede to Republican Brian Kemp. Once the remaining uncounted ballots are analyzed, the next stage could be a recount. If the slightly-ahead Kemp dips below 50% a runoff could be in the cards.

Promising a “do-over” and to help her state’s citizens “live your best lives,” Abrams tonight said that “we believe our dream of a stronger Georgia is just within reach, but we cannot seize it until all the voices are heard.

“I’m not going to name names, but some have worked hard to take our voices away, to scare us away, to distract us, but our vision is clear and we see the finish line,” the former minority leader of the Georgia House of Representatives said of her campaign against Georgia’s current Secretary of State Brian Kemp.

A runoff vote would take place on December 2, if required.

With challenger Kemp actually the guy in charge of the electoral system in Georgia, there were seemingly valid worries of voter suppression, plus a variety of polling booths hurdles and hindrances on Tuesday. Benefitting from Oprah’s public door-knocking support on November 1 and lots of encouragement from Tinseltown, Abrams was branded by gun-toting Kemp as a lackey of “socialists” and “Hollywood elites” who “want to turn Georgia into California.”

Repeated in part by Mike Pence, the VP to the former host of The Celebrity Apprentice, the latter insult was a bit rich. In fact, lucrative bipartisan tax incentives make the Peach State very California in many ways when it comes to vast production from The Walking Dead, Marvel movies and more that are made there.

Related#StayInLine Says Common, Ava DuVernay & Hillary Clinton Of Georgia Poll Problems

As voters in predominantly African-American communities encountered difficulties voting, like on voter machines coming without a cord to plug it in, a Georgia judge today ordered longer hours in several neighborhoods to make sure everyone had a chance to fill out their ballot.

That everyone included Kemp himself today.

Ironically or not, the Republican’s voter card didn’t work at first in the polling station today. Announcing “Take 2,” Kemp had the situation fixed and cast his vote.

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