St. Vincent Covers Tool’s “Forty Six & 2″: Watch

St. Vincent took over the BBC Radio 6 Instagram account on Friday and during the event, fans asked her to play some of her favorite guitar riffs. After careful consideration, Annie Clark burst into renditions of Pantera's "Cowboys From Hell," Tool's Forty Six & 2" (which she identifies as "My Shadow"), and Jimi Hendrix's "Manic…

By Rob Arcand

St. Vincent took over the BBC Radio 6 Instagram account on Friday and during the event, fans asked her to play some of her favorite guitar riffs. After careful consideration, Annie Clark burst into renditions of Pantera’s “Cowboys From Hell,” Tool’s Forty Six & 2″ (which she identifies as “My Shadow”), and Jimi Hendrix’s “Manic Depression.” Check it out below.

This post St. Vincent Covers Tool’s “Forty Six & 2″: Watch first appeared on SPIN.