St. Joseph goes back in time with Bluffwoods Rennaisance Festival

May 18—Visitors went back in time at the Bluffwoods Renaissance Festival, located at Castle Bridge Event Center.

The wonderful event featured many different activities, vendors and shows to keep guests entertained all day.

Guests had the option to go horseback riding, shoot arrows, throw axes, joust and more. There were lines of vendor booths selling treats, apparel, handmade items etc.

Attendees could indulge in classic favorites like turkey legs or even do some shopping.

Attendee Billy Blades says his favorite part would definitely be the cast.

"They really do a good job up here. The grounds are good. The other vendors are really good," Blades said.

"But it really comes down to the people who put the fair on and the cast, the entertainment. It's great weather. So friendly out here. It's a lot of fun."

Blades was in charge of North Tortuga Trading Company's booth, where you can find all your pirate needs. Though he is partial to his own booth, he says all of the booths sell great things.

"You can't go wrong anywhere," he said.

For Blades, his favorite part about celebrating the renaissance is the world of imagination.

"We all work real jobs in the real world. But any time we get a chance to dress up like a pirate and go have fun, you get kind of nerd out like you were as a kid," Blades said.

"Just get out of your own head and really have a good time."

Spencer Wilson and Journey Cowns, attendees, say this is their second time at the Bluffwoods festival.

"I just had so much fun last year, and it just kept getting cooler," Wilson said.

For Wilson, his favorite part is the medieval combat sports. For Cowns, her favorite is seeing all the merchants.

"There's this tea one down there. They make custom teas, and it's super cool."

Crowns was dressed as Shadow Heart from Baldur's Gate 3, while Wilson came dressed as a wizard.

"I just wanted to wear something that I could fit in and was at least a little bit comfortable. And it is," said Wilson.

The Bluffwoods Rennaisance Festival is a great place for adventure, meeting new people and trying new things. The festival continues until May 19th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Castle Bridge Event Center.