Square Enix comes to the defence of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's much-maligned Moogles

 Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

After players dubbed them "creepy" and "cursed," Square Enix has pushed back against Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth players deriding the game's redesigned Moogles.

Earlier this week, we reported on a heated topic of discussion amongst the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth community. Square Enix's Remake sequel quietly redesigned the long-standing Moogles, and players really weren't fans of the redesign, calling them weird koalas and really going out of their way to hate on the creatures' very unsettling teeth.

Now, Square Enix has stepped in to comment on the Moogles. In the tweet below, the developer and publisher writes that it's well aware of the ongoing Moogle slander, and simply will not stand for any hatred towards the loveable fluffy companions.

Oddly, a lot of Twitter users are threatening to eat the Moogles in response. "I've heard they taste great if fried with sweet chili sauce," writes one user. "I just wanna eat them like Marshmellos," adds another. I'd love to know if Square Enix saw this twist coming, because I definitely didn't.

Despite all this, some are still honing in on the Moogle's teeth as a particularly painful point. One Twitter user draws an excellent comparison to the original, and very cursed, Sonic design for the blue blur's movie adaptation, before the Sonic with human teeth was swiftly canned by the movie's producers for a friendlier design.

Who knows if these cursed things will return for the forthcoming Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth sequel. Speaking of, Square Enix developers recently revealed that "key elements" of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 are already in place thanks to Rebirth's extensive world-building. Hopefully that makes the wait over the next four years or so easier.

If you've finished Square Enix's new RPG already, head over to our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ending explained feature for a full look over everything that went down in the final hours.