Sports broadcaster Glen Kuiper's use of the N-word during live broadcast takes Twitter by storm

Glen Kuiper
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There are flubs, and there are Freudian slips, and which one Oakland Athletics play-by-play announcer Glen Kuiper made during a live pregame broadcast is up for debate, sort of.

The veteran sportscaster made a controversial error when he said the N-word while talking about some of the popular sights in Kansas City, Missouri. The A’s were playing a road game against the Kansas City Royals that was televised on NBC Sports California. “We had a phenomenal day today. N-word Leagues Museum and Arthur Bryant’s BBQ,” said Kuiper as he recounted the grand time he and co-host Dallas Braden had heading into Friday (May 5) night’s game.

Following a commercial, Kuiper welcomed viewers back to Kauffman Stadium before issuing an apology. “I said something that didn’t come out quite the way I wanted it to. I just wanted to apologize if it sounded different than I meant it to be said. I just wanted to apologize for that,” he said. The A’s communications team reassured fans that “the language used by Glen Kuiper during today’s pregame broadcast is unacceptable. The Oakland Athletics do not condone such language. We are working to address the situation.”

Bob Kendrick, the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum’s president, just kicked off a campaign to raise $30 million, with $5 million going toward an endowment and $25 million to relocate the tourist attraction to a larger and more historic venue. The Negro Leagues were founded in 1920 by Rube Foster with eight teams: the Chicago American Giants, Detroit Stars, Kansas City Monarchs, Indianapolis ABCs, St. Louis Giants, Cuban Stars, Dayton Marcos, and the Chicago Giants. Kendrick hopes to move the museum to the Paseo YMCA, its original location.

“I’ve been kinda sitting on this for a while. I don’t think the museum’s going to get any hotter than it is right now, so we’ve got to strike while the iron’s hot,” Kendrick told Andscape on Thursday (May 4), just one day before Kuiper would bring more attention its way. Reactions to the racial slur were plentiful. Peep them below.

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