'Spirit Untamed' Deleted Scene

The filmmakers and animators behind DreamWorks' "Spirit Untamed" introduce a deleted scene from the Blu-ray release.

Video Transcript

DANIEL TAL: This scene is the Elk stampede, and it's actually one that I boarded. And this was kind of almost a big action set piece, which showed all three of the girls learning to work together to make a big jump at the end. However, at this point in the movie, Lucky still doesn't fully trust Spirit, and you know, you saw what happened.

KAREN FOSTER: You're about to see Lucky--


KAREN FOSTER: You're about to see Lucky not trust the horse, but the reason we cut it, even though it was brilliantly boarded by Daniel, here, is that it was super expensive. It has a huge herd of elk and two avalanches, which no. Also, we realized, once we strung the whole movie together, we had, like, a half an hour worth of action sequences all one after another. And unfortunately, although brilliant, this is the one that saved us some money and came out of the movie.

- If we just follow the river, we should be OK.

- Good plan. Hey, check out this new song I just wrote.

(SINGING) When the trail gets rough, I've got my pal, and that's enough. We join up.

- Rock and roll.

- Come on. Let's go.