SPIN to Observe Music Industry Blackout on Tuesday

The past week has witnessed a world-historical boiling point for unrest in America. Following George Floyd’s death at the hands of a police officer, people have been confronted with issues that have been around since this country was born.

In conjunction with the rest of the music industry, SPIN will be honoring the blackout and will not be publishing any new stories or new interviews on June 2. We stand with our fellow publishers, artists, labels, managers, publicists and other organizations honoring the blackout and stand with the African-American community in the fight against racism, bigotry and violence.

We will use the moment to reflect and respect what’s going on in society, and we can be part of the solution to help end racial inequality in the United States. We also encourage you to think about how you can make a positive difference in the world and in your community.

For more information, click here and see the many ways that you can help make a difference.

We will resume our normal programming on Wednesday.