‘South Park’ takes on Columbus Day controversy and modern ‘victimization’

South Park took on the hot button topic of Columbus Day. Disdain for the long-standing national holiday has grown as historians have pointed out the atrocities committed towards indigenous people as a result of Columbus “discovering” the Americas. Randy Marsh was at the forefront of the fight against Christopher Columbus. He tore down a Columbus statues, called to harass people that live in Columbus, Ohio, and even had the school holiday cancelled. When Randy’s son asked why his father was going to such extremes, Randy replied “You have to overdo it in today's society, Stan. You can't be nuanced and subtle anymore or else critics go, ‘Wow, what was the point of that?’" The show also took on the growth of victimization culture and how people actively search for ways to be victims. The show cited DNA testing as one way that people, particularly white people, can prove they are disadvantaged. In a commercial for the testing company named DNA and Me, customers start by announcing various percentages of ethnicity like, “I'm 2.1% black!” Soon however the commercial devolved to customers just saying, “I’m 21% victim” or “I’m 13% victim.” South Park has a history of stirring the social and political pot and this episode was no exception. And while it is a sensitive subject, Eric Cartman said in a poem, “In 1492, Columbus got us all a day off school. With just three ships, he sailed over so we could have some 'me time' in October. And, yes, millions were slaughtered and throats were cut. But if we don't get that day off school, then for what?”