Solve clues for cash Thursday in Asphalt Cowboys' Redding Rodeo contest

Thursday marks the third day of the Asphalt Cowboys' Redding Rodeo week tradition: The citywide contest to solve clues for cash prizes.

The diabolical Lone Stranger and their nefarious pal Sidekick staged a mock robbery of the Golden Valley Bank on Hemsted Drive in Redding on Tuesday. The Asphalt Cowboys gave them chase, but the desperadoes gave them the slip ― as they have for more than half a century in this annual Redding Rodeo week ritual.

The story is they hid their ill-gotten loot somewhere on public land in Redding, Asphalt Cowboy Dave Tappan said.

Chantel Davis of Redding has already won $500 for finding the loot underneath a bench at the Redding Airport on Tuesday, according to Tappan. But the Lone Stranger and Sidekick are still at large so that contest continues on.

Tappan and the cowboys issued a new clue on Thursday (below) for you to solve. Guess the identities of local personalities playing the Lone Stranger and Sidekick.

Solve the clues in either contest on Thursday to win $300. Prize money drops to $200 on Friday if no one wins before then. The last day to play is Friday.

See stories with clues from Tuesday and Wednesday and read contest rules and tips for winning, both on Read contest instructions here:

Return to for more clues on Friday, or until the Asphalt Cowboys announce winners in both games.

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Clue 3 to the Lone Stranger's and Sidekick's identities

The haul that they took made them both amped,They said, “Surely our place in history is stamped.”One started to complain about the area’s heat,But was quickly reminded of a place for a treat.

Jessica Skropanic is a features reporter for the Record Searchlight/USA Today Network. She covers science, arts, social issues and news stories. Follow her on Twitter @RS_JSkropanic and on Facebook. Join Jessica in the Get Out! Nor Cal recreation Facebook group. To support and sustain this work, please subscribe today. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Redding Record Searchlight: Solve clues for cash Thursday in Asphalt Cowboys' Redding Rodeo game