Social Media Gets Worked Up After Ellen DeGeneres Kisses Howard Stern


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Enter Howard Stern

Howard Stern is doing all he can to try to divert the unwanted attention Ellen DeGeneres is getting after being seen with former President George W. Bush.

He's Got All the Answers

Stern appeared on DeGeneres' show and suggested that a good old makeout session with him could make the whole controversy go away.

"What you need to do is take a picture with me — making out with me!" Stern told her.

"Now just hear me out ... once people see me with you, no one's gonna be thinking about George Bush."

Oh My God They Kissed

After the smooch, there were, of course, the jokes.

"Wait a second — there was — I think there was tongue," Stern said. "I felt you pushing a little!"

"There was no tongue!" DeGeneres shot back.

"I'm a married man," Stern said.

"I'm a married woman," said DeGeneres.

What kooky people.

Gross-Out Factor

Fans weren't too happy with the stunt.

@femme_nafi was pretty blunt:

"I always really liked u ellen but this aint it. Its sad that u would publicly show your love for him and kiss his nasty mouth that he uses to constantly insult minorities and support genocide and call people shithead and other nasty names for not supporting genocide. A new low."

Think Of Something Else

@FluffersJ weighed out both incidents and reasoned the Howard Stern kiss wasn't as bad as hanging out with Bush:

"He's gross, but it's better than normalizing a war criminal."

Some thought it was all pre-planned, which of course it was:

"To be honest... it looks as though you were expecting it," said @Zephyrozy.