Snoop Dogg Claims He’s Quitting Smoking, Asks for Privacy

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Update: As many (including us) suspected, Snoop Dogg’s claim of quitting smoking was a promotional stunt. He posted a follow-up video announcing his endorsement of a smokeless stove fire pit.

Previous: Snoop Dogg is dropping smoking like it’s hot — or so he says.

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The rapper and legendary kush enthusiast claims he’s giving up the puff.

“After much consideration and conversation with my family, I’ve decided to give up smoke,” he wrote on Instagram. “Please respect my privacy at this time.”

The earnest statement paired with equally solemn black-and-white photo and signature had some wondering if the remarks were some sort of joke. He couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.

Fans were a bit baffled by the statement. “I’m waiting for the plot twist,” wrote one. “Two days from now he’s going to say his account got hacked,” said another. “Smoking briskets?” wondered another.

Also, the statement doesn’t say Snoop Dogg is giving up cannabis per se, as edibles are, obviously, a popular option.

The 50-year-old marijuana advocate famously smoked a joint while walking the red carpet at the MTV Movie Awards in 2021 and has business ties to various edibles and weed strains. He once said he smokes 81 joints a day and has a personal blunt roller.

Snoop Dogg previously said earlier this year that he’s cutting down on smoking after becoming a grandfather.

“Being a grandfather has changed me in multiple ways,” he told the Daily Mail in March. “The main way is being concerned with how I live, how I move, the kind of people I’m associated with, because I want to see my grandkids grow old. The only way I can do that is to take precautionary steps as far as how I move, who I hang out with, where I go out, my intake, what am I intaking. Am I doing extra-curricular or am I just doing what I’m supposed to be doing?”

Long thought to be relatively harmless, recent studies have suggested marijuana use is more damaging than previously believed. Two large longitudinal studies have suggested marijuana use can impair cognitive abilities to a “sizable and significant” degree.

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