SNL Spoof: Netflix Has 'Gone Crazy!' Making Crown Prequel, Gritty Family Matters, Entourage's Fake Movies

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“It’ll take 12 human lifetimes to watch all of our content,” Netflix boasts in a commercial parody that aired on Saturday Night Live this weekend — and frankly hit way too close to home!

“We’ve gone crazy,” the Voice of Netflix boomed in the spoof, revealing that the streaming giant’s end game is a scroll of programming choices that is so long, by the time you reach the end of it they have created new shows — thus achieving the singularity.

The ad took us inside the Netflix HQ, where programming execs lob wads of cash at people just a few words into heir pitch for a new series. Netflix also of course is no stranger to spinoffs and reboots, ergo its upcoming high school-set Saved by the Crown (starring SNL host Claire Foy) and a gritty new take on Family Matters, Officer Winslow, in which the titular, hard-drinking cop pulls a gun on that pesky Urkel.

Oh, and if you like Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, you’ll love Leslie Jones in a Van Getting Batteries.

What’s more, “We’ve got tons of movies — thousands of them — 12 of which you want to watch,” the Voice of Netflix trumpets. Including all the fake moves from Entourage!

Watch the spoof above, then hit the comments with your thoughts on how very real this send-up of big-spending Netflix was. (Unless, of course, you produce Sense8 or Daredevil.)

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