SNL Gave Us an It’s a Wonderful Life Spoof for Christmas

Photo credit: NBC Universal
Photo credit: NBC Universal

From Esquire

In its final episode of 2018, Saturday Night Live gave America the best possible Christmas present: A world where Donald Trump was never president. In a take on the holiday classic It's a Wonderful Life, a despondent Trump (Alec Baldwin) is visited by an angel called Clarence (Kenan Thompson) and brought to a holiday party in an alternate reality where Hillary won.

There, they find that Kellyanne Conway (Kate McKinnon) is looking great. "That’s because I’m no longer eaten from within by lies," she says. "And after we lost the campaign the devil did give me my soul back."

Ben Stiller reprised his role as Michael Cohen. In this reality, Cohen isn't about to spend the next three years in jail-because Trump lost the election, Cohen is still his best pal. "Everything single thing I’ve done is because you’ve directed me to do it," exclaimed a grateful Stiller. "We’re a team, like OJ and Kato, or Eric and Lyle Menendez."

Brett Kavanaugh (Matt Damon) isn't on the Supreme Court, but that's okay as he has "so much more time now to hang out with PJ and Squee, and Needle-Dick Nick and No-Means-Yes Nate."

Finally, Trump is approached by Robert Mueller (Robert De Niro), who hands him a piece of paper. But it's not a "subpoena, or a final report"-it's a photo of his grandson, who he's able to spend more time with since he doesn't "have to investigate some idiot for treason."

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