‘SNL’: Alec Baldwin, Ben Stiller, Matt Damon & Robert De Niro Celebrate The Holidays With ‘It’s A Wonderful Trump’

The Saturday Night Live winter finale appropriately kicked off with a holiday-themed black and white cold open titled “It’s a Wonderful Trump” which celebrated a Trump-less presidency with some of your favorite SNL special guest stars.

Obviously, Alec Baldwin came in to reprise his role as Donald Trump one last time for 2018. A spoof of It’s a Wonderful Life, a man from heaven named Clarence (Kenan Thompson) comes down to show a frustrated Trump how America would be if he never became president.

We see Aidy Bryant as Sarah Huckabee Sanders who is no longer press secretary and now works for Facebook, Ashley Madson and the board for romaine lettuce. Kate McKinnon pops up in one of her many Trumpian roles as Kellyanne Conway who now lives a calmer life, saying “After we lost the campaign, the devil gave my soul back.”

We find out that Hillary Clinton is president and Trump is still going on about her emails but Clarence said all they found were Bed, Bath and Beyond coupons.

A steady stream of other members of Trump’s life show up including Donald Jr. (Mikey Day) and Eric Trump (Alex Moffatt) who is now a little smarter because he has taken adult educations classes. Melania’s (Cecily Strong) life also has a totally different and improved life — and her accent is gone! “Being around you all the time was hurting my language skills,” she admits.

Trump responds, “You’re still smocking hot!”

We also get treated to Ben Stiller as Michael Cohen who Trump is surprised to see considering he should be in jail. Mike Pence (Beck Bennett) is also at this little holiday soiree as the resident DJ.

Host Matt Damon comes into the scene as a bro-tastic Brett Kavanaugh who has not taken a seat in the Supreme Court. When “Not with my temperament!” says Kavanaugh before handing him a gift that’s a calendar of different beers.

“The’s the best thing about being president,” Clarence tells Trump about his agenda that he wanted to accomplish as president. “You can say the same stuff like… but you don’t have to deal with the fact that all your ideas are impractical and insane so all Americans love you!”

“Wow, this is great! It’s like Robert Mueller doesn’t exist!” Trump exclaims.

Cue Robert de Niro as Mueller, who says he has something to give Trump. He hands him a picture of his grandson saying, “I’ve been spending more time with him since I don’t have to investigate some idiot for treason.”

Just then, Trump has an epiphany. “The world needs me to the president after all!”

Clarence clarifies, “That was not the lesson at all.”

Trump chants “I want to be president again…” and it goes from black and white to color.

“Listen Donald, every time a bell rings, somebody quits or goes to jail,” says Conway.

And that is when we find out Trump is president again before everyone comes out on stage to wish us a Merry Christmas.

Watch the video above.


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