Slow down and savor these meatloaf bites topped with mashed potatoes

We often eat while engaged in other activities such as watching videos or working on the computer. That may seem productive, but it can also lead to overeating. Worse still, it deprives us of one of life’s greatest pleasures: having a sensual awareness of food. Eating mindfully anchors us in the moment so we can derive more enjoyment from our meals.

Here are three tips for slowing down and focusing on your food.

Meatloaf cupcakes are topped with mashed potatoes.
Meatloaf cupcakes are topped with mashed potatoes.

Sit at a table. Take just a moment to make the table attractive. Remove any items you might be storing on the table and consider adding flowers or a sprig of greenery, even if it's fake. Limit distractions. Silence the ding of your cell phone and turn on calming music or sounds of nature such as flowing streams or chirping birds. If you must eat at your desk, turn off your computer and try using earphones to reduce workplace sounds and distractions.

Relax and breathe. Before you eat, relax for a moment. Take a few deep breaths to increase awareness of physical sensations and surroundings. Simply inhale for a few seconds, hold your breath for a few seconds longer, then slowly exhale.

Increase gratitude and mindfulness. Plan to savor your meal. Say grace or take a moment for gratitude. Between bites of food, put down your fork and enjoy the textures, tastes, touch, crunch, smells and colors. Eating slowly has been shown to increase the enjoyment of food. It also allows times for stretch receptors in your stomach and signals from digestive hormones to reach your brain to let it know you are full.

Start your practice of mindfulness with today’s recipe for Meatloaf Cupcakes with Mashed Potato Frosting. This healthful variation on meatloaf will dazzle all your senses while providing plenty of nutrients.

Bethany Thayer is a registered dietitian nutritionist with Henry Ford Health. For more recipes and health information, visit For questions about today’s recipe, email

Meatloaf Cupcakes with Mashed Potato Frosting

Meatloaf cupcakes are topped with mashed potatoes.
Meatloaf cupcakes are topped with mashed potatoes.

Makes: 8 servings / Prep time: 25 minutes / Total time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Vegetable oil cooking spray

1 pound extra-lean ground beef

½ cup onion, finely chopped

¾ cup carrot, finely chopped (approximately 2 large carrots)

½ teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 cup plain breadcrumbs

1 large egg

2 medium potatoes

⅔ cup fat-free milk

2 teaspoons olive oil

½ cup ketchup

2 Tablespoons parsley, chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray muffin tin with non-fat cooking spray.

In a large bowl, combine ground beef, onion, carrot, garlic powder, ground black pepper, breadcrumbs and egg. Press ⅓ cup of mixture into a muffin tin. Repeat 7 times. Bake 25 minutes or until slightly browned and the inside temperature of the meat is 160 degrees.

Remove from tin and allow to cool. While the meat is baking, peel potatoes and place in a medium-sized, microwave-safe bowl. Cook for 10 minutes on high. Add fat-free milk and olive oil to potatoes and mix with a hand mixer. Top each cupcake with 1 tablespoon ketchup. Using a piping bag or spoon, place dollops of mashed potatoes on meatloaf cupcakes. Sprinkle mashed potatoes with chopped parsley.

From Henry Ford LiveWell.

190 calories (22% from fat), 5 grams fat (1.5 gramsat. fat), 22 grams carbohydrates, 15 grams protein, 316 mg sodium, 55 mg cholesterol, 69 mg calcium, 2 grams fiber. Food exchanges: 1 ½ carbohydrate, 2 protein.

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Meatloaf bites are baked in muffin tin and topped with mashed potatoes