Skier Dressed As Jesus 'Turns Water Into Wine' At Pond Skim Event

Pond skims are always a hoot, and often have costume contests as part of the festivities.

One man--or should I say leader--took this to heart, donning white robes (and skipping the Birkenstocks, come on people, that's played out) to skim across water for a modern take on Jesus himself. Watch below.

In a late-stage-capitalist take on religion, a man with twin tips on skims across water and then after successfully making it across the pond, heads back to perform one final trick.

Grabbing a glass from a woman in the crowd, "Jesus" goes back to the man-made pond to dunk the glass and hold up the now red-filled "wine", showing the audience.

One person in the crowd literally shouted, "oh my God!" Clearly, this made plenty of people believers.

I'm not sure this joke would go down so well everywhere, but obviously this man knew his audience, and they were definitely entertained.

What we'd all like to know is how he got the pond water to turn red so quickly. Maybe this man is a magician as his day job.

A pond-skimming, spring-skiing, Jesus-robe-clad magician. Ladies, who wants some?

Related: The Best April Fools Day Jokes From Around The Ski Industry

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