Skai Jackson Fires Back At Fans Who Tell Her To Stop Posting About Cameron Boyce

Disney Channel actor Cameron Boyce died just last month, and fans are telling one of his friends, Skai Jackson, to stop posting remembrances about him. But she's made it clear she'll do no such thing.

Boyce Died July 6

Jackson has posted several messages memorializing Cameron Boyce, who died July 6 from complications of epilepsy. Grieving the loss of a loved one is a very personal thing; the process is different for everyone.

Some Ready To Move On

Some fans are telling her to knock it off, apparently in a thinly veiled attempt to say they're just done with Cameron Boyce postings.

"No one cares fam," wrote one."Just let him rest in peace," said another.

Many Others Still Grieving

Jackson also posted this lighthearted, cute video of Boyce talking about the perils of being online.There are plenty of folks who appreciate her efforts to keep Cameron's memory alive:

"Who else started crying?" said one commenter.

"Like this comment if u miss Cameron," said another.

It's Her Choice

If you visit Jackson's Instagram, you'll see she posts plenty of other pics as well -- though that's beside the point.

As Jackson rightly points out, it's her Instagram page, so if people don't want to see her posting memories of her friend, then they can go elsewhere. It's very simple.