Sisters Say Mom Is A Reckless Dater Who Has Been Married 10 Times

Sisters Say Mom Is A Reckless Dater Who Has Been Married 10 Times

Sisters Valerie and Erica say they are worried about their mom, Laura, because she’s a reckless dater who has been married 10 times.

“I have to set rules for my 67-year-old mom about not bringing random men to my house,” Valerie says about Laura who lives with her. “If she keeps meeting random men, God forbid, we’re going to find her in a ditch one day.”

Laura, who has been married 10 times to eight different men, admits that one of her husbands killed his wife and tried to strangle her – but that’s not going to stop her from dating.

“I should be able to do whatever I want,” Laura says. “I’m not going to sit around in a rocking chair and rock my life away. No. I’m going to rock my life away dancing.”

Hear more of their story in the video above. And on Tuesday’s episode of Dr. Phil, see what Dr. Phil reveals about one of the men Laura is currently dating, and how Robin McGraw’s Aspire app could help keep Laura safe as she dates. Check here to see where you can watch.