‘Simpsons’ Recap: Homer and Ned’s Grand Canyon Adventure

On The Simpsons, Homer shared a story about how the Simpson clan and the Flanders clan once visited the Grand Canyon together after Ned Flanders won a free trip to the majestic location at a church event.

The families rented mules and journeyed deep into the canyon, only to have their guide slip off the edge of a cliff and die. Without a guide, the families were left to fend for themselves, and that’s when Homer gave Ned the blessing to use his body as a shelter, should he die.

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While the families slept, the fathers searched for help and came upon a camp of wealthy people who had plenty of supplies. Ned and Homer stole some of the rich folks’ stash and brought it back to the family.

After escaping the Grand Canyon, Ned asked Homer if they would still be friends when they returned to Springfield, and Homer replied, “Flanders, like all friendships between men, in the end, it’s up to our wives.”

The Simpsons airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on FOX.

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