SIM recruits ZAIA and Tanerélle for "SAMSARA"


Last month, SIM unveiled a new single titled “SAMSARA,” an infectious groove that features additional assistance from singer-songwriter Tanerélle and rapper ZAIA. As a press release explains, the song is centered around “the bittersweet reality of multiverse lovers whose romantic journey has come to an end.” With that said, its lyrics seem to bring promise for a relationship that’s coming to a close:

“I swear I’ve loved you before, I just can’t remember time and place, it’s close but I can’t recall, but somethin’ in my gut tells me it’s safe, to open up to you in every way, and love on you as nights turn into days, and let myself get doused inside your flame, we’ve been waiting out time like it’s only, just a matter of life moving slowly, when you’re in my eye, dance like you know…”

Tanerélle further explained the song’s meaning and creation:

“When SIM reached out to me about ‘SAMSARA,’ I was so overcome with joy. We got to create a song about a concept I believe so deeply in, our lives, this one, the ones before, the ones that’ll come after, and the love we encounter in each one. It’s such an incredible tribute to love in all its forms.”

Very little is known about SIM, the intergalactic alter ego of a producer who hasn’t been revealed to the world. Upon a visit to the artist’s website, fans are greeted with a cryptic message about SIM’s inception and intent:

“In 2000 years time, life as we know it will become unrecognizable. The mind and body will no longer hold a physical form. Energy transmitted through machines, not limited by flesh… The future moves through sound. A frequency engineer, or how it is perceived by limited minds on earth, a musician, by the name of SIM.”

Press play on “SAMSARA” below.