Silent Hill 2 Remake Combat Trailer and New Free Silent Hill Game Revealed

Konami and Bloober Team revealed a Silent Hill 2 remake combat trailer at the PlayStation State of Play. But that wasn’t enough Silent Hill for one night; a free Silent Hill game was also released.

Silent Hill 2 Remake Gets Hands On

It’s been a while since we’d seen anything of Bloober Team’s reimaging of the psychological horror classic, and this combat trailer gave us a good look at the game in action as James Sunderland thwacks and blasts his way through monstrosities.

Action is very much from the modern perspective, with more than a few nods to how that other horror gaming titan evolved (I don’t think we’ll see James parrying Pyramid Head though).

The game still has no release date as it stands. But if the slight scratch of your Silent Hill itch wasn’t enough with that trailer, then how about a short new Silent Hill game?

Silent Hill: The Short Message is a bite-sized modern-day Silent Hill that is available now for free on PS5. The game is a first-person exploration psychological horror set in an apartment building known as The Villa in modern-day Germany. The story follows Anita, who is searching for clues that might tell her what happened to her lost friend.

The plot of the game was revealed late last year in a classification from Australia, and it showed that The Short Message is heavy on the theme of suicide and abuse, so be mindful of that going in.

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