Sheck Wes Puts His Charisma On Full Display With "Mo Bamba" Video

Dedicated to his childhood friend and NBA prospect Mohamed Bamba.

Sheck Wes grew up splitting time between Milwaukee and Harlem and spent his time modeling, playing basketball, and rapping. Sheck dropped modeling and basketball and now the 19-year-old rapper has a deal with Travis Scott. Earlier today Sheck shared visuals for his single "Mo Bamba," a record that pays homage to his longtime friend and NBA prospect Mohamed Bamba. In the video you catch Sheck take money from two shady agents and bring it all back to his friends as they turn up to the 16yrold/take a daytrip produced single. "Mo Bamba" is set to be a part of Sheck's upcoming project Mudboy.

Check out the video at the top of the page.

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