She Said What?! Unseen Bachelor Footage of Krystal Sends Shockwaves Through the Women Tell All

It’s that time again, Bachelor Nation.

On Sunday’s two-hour Women Tell All, 18 of Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s castoffs gathered for one giant, televised tea-spilling session — and it was glorious. Here are the highlights.

Way too much time was devoted to debating glam-shaming.

Is it a thing? Is it not a thing? Who knows? Who cares? Moving on.

Bekah came for Tia.

“Talk about relationship experience? You have no idea about my relationship experience. I have fallen in love before with men who treated me like a queen, and you yourself admitted that you’ve only fallen in love with a—holes before, so maybe you’re the one that’s lacking in real relationship experience.”

Krystal called Arie a needle d—k.

You recall the great bowling group date disaster of 2018, yes? Well, what we hadn’t seen until now was Krystal and the very colorful choice of language she used in the bathroom right afterwards, when she thought her mic was off.

“Did I mention my life is amazing and awesome? And it’s all on hold for what? Some needle d—k? I’m sorry, I date men. Not little fancy-pants.”

She also referred to the other women as “c—s,” and Caroline was not having it.

“I was right [about you] the whole damn time. You are so mean,” said Caroline. “You called these women c—s. How dare you use that word about these people? Because I love and respect all of these women, and that is a disgusting word.”

And Caroline wasn’t the only one who had something to say about Krystal.

Almost all of the women had their own grievances to air about Krystal, calling her out for being “condescending,” “fake,” and even “sociopathic.” Though she didn’t directly apologize, she did admit that she made mistakes — and wished she had tried harder to befriend the women.

“It was a crazy experience. It really wore on me — it was hard. I stumbled and I fell, for sure,” she said. “I do wish that I would have been able to step away from focusing so much on Arie. I wish I would have been able to build more friendships.”

But even Arie didn’t hold back.

After Krystal told Arie their goodbye felt “cold,” he made it clear that he had no regrets about the way he sent her home.

Krystal and Arie
Krystal and Arie

Tia got emotional.

Her breakup with Arie was the most fresh, and it showed. She admitted she was truly in love with him and was completely shocked when he sent her home over Kendall.

Chris Harrison and Tia
Chris Harrison and Tia

“The fact that he couldn’t give me an explanation really bothered me,” she admitted. “And I had just introduced him to my family the week before. They loved him. It seems crazy, but I was leading with my heart and that’s how I felt. I was really surprised about going home — I really didn’t expect it.”

Bekah called her mom on speakerphone, in front of the entire audience.

And Chris Harrison used the opportunity to warn her that her daughter will probably go “missing” again — in Mexico on Bachelor in Paradise this summer.

Chris Harrison and Bekah
Chris Harrison and Bekah

Caroline went after Arie.

Clearly referring to the mysterious, much-teased drama to come, Caroline couldn’t help but tell Arie how she really felt.

“This whole time you’ve said that you are here because you’re trying to find a wife,” she said, choosing her words slowly and carefully. “I know what you did, and I don’t know how you could do that. I just really don’t understand. But I really hope you found what you’re looking for.”

And Chris Harrison knows what Arie did, too.

Teasing an ending we “won’t want to miss,” the host promised that this time, the finale will actually be THE most dramatic ending in Bachelor history.

“The conclusion to Arie’s journey is unlike anything that has happened before on this show. More dramatic, more real and different from anything you expected,” he said. “It’s definitely an ending you won’t want to miss.”

The Bachelor continues Monday at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.