She-Hulk Head Writer Talks Cut MCU Digs, Introducing [Spoiler], Repealing the Sokovia Accords and More

The following contains spoilers from the entire season of Disney+’s She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, which streamed its finale on Oct. 13.

It sounds like Jen Walters (played by Tatiana Maslany) had a lot more to get off her chest when candidly venting to K.E.V.I.N. in the She-Hulk: Attorney at Law season finale.

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In the season finale of Disney+’s latest live-action Marvel series, Jen put a stop to the “messy” showdown that was starting to unspool, climbed around the Disney+ app to get herself to the Disney lot and confront the show’s writers about rehashing tired MCU tropes. Jen as She-Hulk then muscled her way into a face-to-face with K.E.V.I.N, the giant A.I. brain that oversees the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There, she called Marvel on the carpet on multiple issues — though it sounds like some wound up on the cutting room floor, as revealed in our full Q&A below with She-Hulk head writer and executive producer Jessica Gao.

Gao also spoke about casting Hulk’s son, bringing back Charlie Cox’s Daredevil, changing up the order of episodes and more. (Portions of this conversation previously appeared on TVLine over the weekend.)

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