‘She’s Going To Be Homeless,’ Says Woman Of Sister She Claims Is Being Catfished

Linda claims her older sister, Patsy, is getting catfished by someone she says she believes is an online scammer. A man known to them as John Robert Crush, who Linda says has tricked her into giving him upward of $70,000 since first connecting with her just eight months ago.


Linda says at this point, Patsy is broke, has racked up massive credit card debt, and is now looking to sell her house so she can send more money to a man she has never met in person; her fiancé, John.

“Patsy’s real estate agent called me, he realized that she’s being scammed and he’s been trying to convince her John is not real,” says Linda. “If Patsy sells this house, she’s going to be homeless.”

Patsy says she wants to sell her house to help John pay off his bills – and to get him the airfare to fly home from Egypt, where he’s told her he’s stuck – waiting for a bonus from his employer.

“The day we close, the money is wired into my account. I will send John the $20,000 that he needs and during those two, three days, I will stay in a motel,” says Patsy. “When he comes to the States, he’ll have his million-dollar paycheck, and it’s the only way I would sell my house.”

Does Dr. Phil say he believes Patsy is being scammed?

Check here to find out where you can watch Tuesday’s episode.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Caught in a downward spiral?

‘I Just Knew That This Was The One,’ Says Woman Of Online Fiancé