Shanquella Robinson's family continues to demand accountability for her death

tombstone with flowers
tombstone with flowers

“REVOLT Black News Weekly” aired on Friday (March 3) and covered heavy topics that included the death of Shanquella Robinson, Black people getting left for dead by first responders, the nationwide push to erase Black history from schools and the effect of social media on Black Gen-Z’s mental health. Global news anchor Mara S. Campo led the episode titled, “The mysterious murder of Shanquella Robinson & our investigation of being dissed by dispatch.”

It’s been over four months since Shanquella died after being beaten during a vacation to Mexico back in October 2022, and there have still been no arrests. She arrived in Cabo San Lucas with six other people, who are suspected of having a hand in beating her to death, but no arrests have been made. Sue-Ann Robinson, a lawyer representing the family, confirmed that the victim was invited on the trip by one of her close friends, but she was not friends with the other people in the party. Shortly after Shanquella’s arrival, the beating occurred, and it was videotaped. A doctor was called the next day, and just after 4 p.m., her travel mates informed Shanquella’s family that she wasn’t feeling well. An hour later, the family was told she passed away from alcohol poisoning.

However, on Nov. 16, 2022, a video was released on social media that revealed Shanquella suffering the aforementioned vicious beating. In an exclusive interview, “REVOLT Black News Weekly” spoke with Shanquella’s mother, Salamondra Robinson, who is still seeking accountability and answers for her daughter’s suspicious death. “She had a heart of gold,” Shanquella’s mother said. “She didn’t do anything to anyone. If she could help you, she would help you. She loved the people; she’d give you the shirt off her back.”

The coroner on the case reported that Shanquella Robinson suffered a spinal cord injury and a broken neck, which seemingly confirmed that the friends lied to her family. The FBI is still investigating the North Carolina business woman’s death, and an arrest warrant has been issued for only one of the people on the trip. Yet, they all remain free.

“They haven’t given us any names. We can only assume it was the direct aggressor, and that was the female,” Shanquella’s sister, Tequilla “Quilla” Long, told “REVOLT Black News Weekly” when asked if she knew who received the warrant. Unfortunately, the family feels the Mexican and United States authorities have not been proactive. The family talked about their plan to go to the Capitol to demand a “high-level diplomatic intervention” for Shanquella’s case along with activist Tamika D. Mallory and attorney Ben Crump.

Also on the topic of Black lives not being prioritized was a special segment called “Dissed By Dispatch.” The bodycam footage of the now-infamous beating of Tyre Nichols in Memphis that led to his death exposed that EMTs did not do anything to aid the dying man for 19 minutes. It was only the latest case of medical neglect by first responders involving Black people, as viewers were reminded of Earl Moore Jr., who was struggling through alcohol withdrawal in Illinois last year. He was pronounced dead an hour later due to asphyxiation, aka suffocation. The cause of death was the way he was positioned (face down) by EMTs on a gurney before he was taken to the hospital.

“You never place somebody in the prone position — the prone position is on your stomach,” said Michael Estrada, a retired paramedic and firefighter. “Everything they did was totally wrong.” Added Dr. Ronald Way, a patient safety expert, “In the United States, racism is an independent risk factor for death. Full stop.”

Reportedly, less than six percent of first responders are Black, which Way asserted can lead to misdiagnosis, delays in diagnosis, and lack of care that can result in harm and death. One of the most tragic examples of this is the death of Elijah McClain in 2019, who was detained by police while walking for being “suspicious” in Colorado.

“It was apparent to me from the video they allowed me to see that they jumped my son,” said McClain’s mother, Sheneen McClain, of watching bodycam footage of the incident that led to her son’s death. “They look at people of color as animals instead of human beings. If they had been better people, my son would still be alive today,” she added.

More topics featured in the episode included white conservatives attempting to ban books that document Black history. Also, with the popularity of TikTok only growing, its impact on the mental health of Black users received a deep dive, considering 81 percent of Black teens are more likely to use the app compared to 52 percent of white teens.

Being Black can be hazardous to your health and comes with an ample amount of gaslighting. It’s a running theme — with plenty of receipts — on “The mysterious murder of Shanquella Robinson & our investigation of being dissed by dispatch.”

Be sure to catch new installments of “REVOLT Black News Weekly” every Friday at 5 p.m. ET via REVOLT’s app. Plus, watch a quick clip above.

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