Shailene Woodley Breaks Down The Journey Of Self Love Through Your Twenties

Shailene Woodley's new film, ""Endings, Beginnings,"" follows a young woman through on a journey trying to find herself while juggling dating in her twenties. Here, Woodley explains how her character, Daphne, tries to understand her choices, discernment and refinement.

Video Transcript

- I love that. I love that you're making the most of your alone time. I just finished your film, "Endings, Beginnings." And your character is somebody who maybe needed to take some alone time to figure out what she needed.

SHAILENE WOODLEY: Yeah. It's pretty relevant for right now, right? I feel like the movie is actually coming out in a good time because it offers us a little bit of reflection on, you know, what are we using as distractions in our lives? And what could we maybe calm down with or, you know, desensitize ourself from in order to go within and really get to know ourselves more?

- Yeah, absolutely. When I started watching, I was like, this is amazing because there are so many people who rely on other people to define who they are.

SHAILENE WOODLEY: Yeah, exactly.

- And we're in a moment now where we can't do that. We have to be alone and figure it out. And so, watching your character sort of battle with those things, I was very much aware of where I'm at and what I'm doing. And I don't know. It was kind of perfect timing.