Sex, Lies, and Cyber Security Scandals Unravel Marriages in Ashley Madison Documentary Trailer

The documentary series Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal premieres on Netflix on May 15 - Credit: Netflix
The documentary series Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal premieres on Netflix on May 15 - Credit: Netflix

In the official trailer for Netflix’s documentary Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies, & Scandal, unfaithful spouses wonder aloud about who destroyed their marriages. The three-part series premieres May 15 and revisits the wreckage left in the aftermath of the infamous 2015 data leak from the adult dating site for married people looking to have an affair.

“I love being a dad; I love my wife. It is a beautiful marriage, but it’s also just, like, monotonous,” the first man featured in the trailer said. “I remember seeing an advertisement, ‘Life is short. Have an affair.’ That sounds intriguing.” It also sounded intriguing to an unknown entity that obtained and distributed confidential information about the identities of the website’s users, many of whom used their real names.

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“This hack is one of the largest data breaches in the world. If that information got out, this would ruin a lot of people’s lives. Everyone was looking for dirt. Looking for names that they recognize,” another expert recalled. And no one knew who did it. In the trailer, participants and experts wonder if they should place the blame on a competing site, a disgruntled employee, or a cheating husband.

“We all know infidelity can be incredibly destructive and hurtful, but at the same time, the fact that Ashley Madison had 37 million members tells us something else we all know – that committing to one person for the rest of your life is really hard,” Series Director Toby Paton shared in a statement. “Rather than berating people who joined Ashley Madison we were much more interested in exploring why they were drawn to the site – what were they looking for? What was going on in their relationships? And crucially – what was their partner’s side of the story?”

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